Wheelwright Lane Primary School
Wheelwright Lane Primary School Logo

Remote Learning

We have put this page together to contain home learning information, particularly as relates to any shutdowns due to the Coronavirus situation.

Home Learning

Also read our School Newsletters for more updates related to the Covid-19 closure, and see our Continuity of Learning Policy on our Policies and Documents page.

Hybrid Learning

As a result of the current pandemic the children are unable to come in to school due to social distancing rules and other associated risks.

At Wheelwright Lane teaching staff have quickly utilised the use of the internet and are delivering weekly live on-line learning for all year groups, especially those unable to come in to school. We use the TEAMS programme for KS1 and 2 and Tapestry for Nursery and Reception.

We offer a Hybrid Learning package of timetabled face to face on-line learning, teaching videos and accompanying work (available to download at any time) and assignments/activities set by the teachers. We have also identified useful websites for parents to use to extend and enhance their children’s learning.

Staff spend time regularly providing feedback for the children and celebrate their success on-line. Staff are available through Teams to provide support and advice for parents throughout the day.

Some children are unable to access digital devices at home and so staff provide packages of support in the form of work packs that are regularly sent out or dropped off at the child’s home.

Our IT technician is always available to sort out any problems you may have with accessing the programmes or helping out with setting up the programmes on your devices. Please call the school if you have any problems or issues.

We foresee that we will continue to use Hybrid Learning until we can welcome all children back in to school safely.