Wheelwright Lane Primary School
Wheelwright Lane Primary School Logo

School Clubs

At Wheelwright Lane Primary School we believe that providing before and after school clubs enrich children’s learning but also play a major part in raising attendance and children’s self esteem.

The clubs currently on offer are:

MondayLunchtimeYears 2 to 6 Cricket
MondayLunchtimeYears 3 to 6 Basketball
MondayAfter schoolYears 4 to 6 Cricket
TuesdayLunchtimeYears 3 and 4 Football
TuesdayAfter schoolYears 4 to 6 Multi-skills
WednesdayBefore schoolYears 1 to 6 Musical Theatre
WednesdayLunchtimeYears 5 and 6 Tag Rugby
WednesdayAfter schoolYears 1 to 3 Multi-skills
FridayAfter schoolYears 3 to 6 Dance

These change termly so more children can access these clubs.

Teachers often give up their time to run lunchtime and after school clubs. Experienced coaches from local businesses also provide a range of activities to suit all needs. Penalty shoot-out competitions are also provided at lunchtimes, in all weathers, by the Mid-day Supervisors.

If you have a skill to offer and the time to give, then please let the Headteacher know and we would love to add you to our list of extra-curricular activities.

If you would like instructions on how to change or cancel a club booking, please take a look at the following link, which includes a helpful video:

Football team members

Year 2/3 5-a-side Football Team

Sports Day

Waiting for the KS1 relay on Sports Day

Children canoeing

Manor Adventure Week

Roulades made at Cookery Club

Making roulades in Cooker Club

Garden produce cultivated by the children

Look at our amazing produce!

Some of our Cross Country runners

Cross Country Runners